Migalaw English

Mais colocações nominais com o termo jury - Parte 1


Mais colocações nominais com o termo jury - Parte 1

Na semana passada, tratamos de duas colocações na estrutura 'jury + substantivo', ambas as quais possuem alta ocorrência em inglês. Foram elas: jury duty e jury service. Entretanto, a linguagem jurídica em inglês apresenta muitas outras colocações nessa estrutura1 devido à marcante presença da instituição do júri no sistema anglo-americano.

1. jury appeal, to have – ser considerado atraente pelo júri

• "I think in some ways all of the scandals that are emerging now, which seem to recapitulate the same things that went on in Arkansas 10 years ago, may actually have some bearing on Ken Starr's ultimate decision about the jury appeal of this kind of a case."

2. jury apperance, to make – comparecer perante o júri

• "On August 17 when Clinton made his Grand Jury appearance, approval ratings were at 62 percent."

3. jury award – sentença [de indenização por perdas e danos] proferida pelo júri

"Nine years after long time smoker Jesse Williams died of inoperable lung cancer, the justices are considering whether a jury award of nearly $80 million is too much."

4. jury bill – legislação referente ao tribunal do júri

"Journalist Celestine Sibley speculated that the real reason for her move was "secretly to get her Woman Jury Bill passed" into law."

5. jury box – cadeiras dos jurados

"Ruemmler paced up and down in front of the jury box like an actress in a legal drama."

6. jury consultant – consultor para assuntos referentes ao tribunal do júri

• "The firm also employed graphics and projection specialists, as well as a jury consultant and a team of expert witnesses to handle insider-trading and stock-market issues."

7. jury conviction – sentença condenatória proferida pelo tribunal do júri

"In 2006, jury conviction rates exceeded bench rates by 25 percentage points."

8. jury decision, unanimous – decisão [unânime] do corpo de jurados

"A unanimous jury decision is required on punitive damages, and the jury is to be made aware of this requirement."

9. jury deliberations – deliberações do corpo de jurados

"Jury deliberations are about to begin in the trial of former Enron Broadband executives."

10. jury evidence – provas/indícios submetidos ao tribunal do júri

"That, in general, grand jury evidence and testimony is not reliable because it hasn't been fully challenged by the defense."

11. jury experts – especialistas em tribunal do júri

"But defense lawyers and jury experts said the most crucial factor in the trial may be persuading potential jurors to be candid about their attitudes toward corporate America and their feelings about Enron in particular."

12. jury foreman, jury foreperson, jury forewoman – jurado-chefe, jurado porta-voz do corpo de jurados [Não corresponde ao juiz-presidente, pois o foreman é um membro do corpo de jurados.]

"Later, jury foreman said jurors struggled with that verdict, some of them wanting to find her guilty, but insane, which was not an option."

13. jury hearing room – sala de julgamento [do tribunal do júri]

"When San Francisco police officer John Paige walked into a grand jury hearing room last month and contradicted fellow officers, he broke the code of silence."

14. jury indictment – pronunciamento, pronúncia

"And the reason the defense wants a preliminary hearing instead of a grand jury indictment is because then they can go fishing! In other words, every witness the state puts up at preliminary hearing, they've got a right to cross-examine them until they're blue in the face! Not so at grand jury."


1Fonte: COCA - Corpus of Contemporary American English


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Luciana Carvalho Fonseca é professora doutora do Departamento de Letras Modernas (DLM) da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH/USP) e da pós-graduação em Tradução (TRADUSP). Fundadora da TradJuris - Law, Language and Culture e autora dos livros "Inglês Jurídico: Tradução e Terminologia" (2014) e "Eu não quero outra cesárea" (2016).