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Verbos frasais na linguagem jurídica - Parte 3


Verbos frasais na linguagem jurídica - Parte 3

Abaixo, mais exemplos de phrasal verbs na linguagem jurídica em inglês. Os exemplos foram retirados do COCA e as traduções oferecidas conforme o contexto apresentado.

1) crack down on"Though the Justice Department intends to crack down on plea bargains, the Feeney amendment still leaves the government with unfettered discretion in cutting deals for snitches and in instituting fast-track programs." Tradução: restringir, eliminar

2) deal with"Given this view, cases which deal with state restrictions on First Amendment freedoms are not fungible with those which deal with restrictions imposed by the Federal Government." Tradução: tratar de

3) draw up"First, it must draw up a new constitution." Tradução: elaborar

4) enter into"Parent Schnitzer was permitted to enter into a deferred prosecution agreement with the government, which allowed it to escape the stigma of a criminal conviction." Tradução: celebrar, fazer, realizar [acordo]

5) factor in"Given the market's failure to factor in the variables mentioned in the preceding paragraph, standard measures of scarcity (prices and costs) may fail absolutely to induce either conservation of vital stocks or technological innovation." Tradução: levar em conta

6) fill in"You can fill in what I might say." Tradução: complementar

7) fill out"And perhaps the biggest failing of document management systems has been the fact that a lot of lawyers simply don't take the time to fill out document profiles." Tradução: preencher, completar

8) get away from "People come to small towns to practice law to get away from some of the animosity or backstabbing." Tradução: fugir, afastar-se

9) get away with"Can the debtor get away with paying his creditors only a small percentage of what he's currently earning?" Tradução: não ser processado/condenado por

10) give in"The game is to never give in no matter the evidence arrayed against you." Tradução: desistir


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Luciana Carvalho Fonseca é professora doutora do Departamento de Letras Modernas (DLM) da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH/USP) e da pós-graduação em Tradução (TRADUSP). Fundadora da TradJuris - Law, Language and Culture e autora dos livros "Inglês Jurídico: Tradução e Terminologia" (2014) e "Eu não quero outra cesárea" (2016).