Migalaw English

Cynthia Berriel

"Luciana, no documento abaixo : 'MINUTES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF azxywo LLC" I, Jane Doe , being the sole Organizer named in the Articles of Organization of the Company which was formed in Delaware, on April 22, 2002 , held an organization meeting at the date and place set forth below, at which meeting the following action was taken: Resolved, that John Doe will be named as Manager of the Company. Resolved, that 'azxywo' Holdings LLC will be as Member of the company. Resolved, that the Company will have 50,000 membership units. Resolved, that the Operating Agreement regulating the conduct of the business and affairs of the Company was adopted and ordered appended hereto.' Como você traduziria : 1-) MINUTES OF THE ORGANIZATION 2-) Organizer 3-) Articles of Organization 4-) organization meeting ( já que existe uma única ORGANIZER) 5-) Operating Agreement. O que eu gostaria de saber, na verdade, é se podemos 'adaptar' traduções de documentos semelhantes - como por ex : - dizer que Articles of Organization de uma LLC é um Contrato Social. Agradeço antecipadamente e a parabenizo pelas importantes informações contidas em sua coluna semanal . Abraços"


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